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    Animal cruelty in Texas includes both civil offenses and felony charges, with acts such as overworking, torturing, abandoning, seriously injuring, or failing to provide adequate care for an animal potentially leading to convictions. 

    Penalties can range from restitution and surrendering the animal in civil cases to heavy fines and imprisonment in felony cases.

    An attorney can help with an animal cruelty defense by identifying any pre-existing issues with the animal and arguing that the defendant didn’t have adequate time to address the animal’s condition before the arrest. Learn more

    Criminally negligent homicide occurs when an individual dies as a result of another person’s grossly negligent actions, which deviate significantly from what a reasonable person would do under similar circumstances. 

    In Texas, this crime is considered a state jail felony and can result in penalties including 6 months to 2 years of jail time, fines up to $10,000, probation, and community service. 

    An attorney can defend against negligent homicide allegations by challenging evidence, showing the defendant acted responsibly, and potentially mitigating charges through plea bargaining if negligence is evident. Learn more

    Disorderly conduct, also known as “disturbing the peace,” includes a variety of disruptive behaviors such as using fighting words, obscene gestures, unreasonable noise, or engaging in physical fights. In Texas, typical disorderly conduct is classified as a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $500. 

    However, more severe actions, such as firing a gun in public, elevate the charge to a Class B misdemeanor, which can result in up to 6 months in jail, a fine of up to $2,000, and possibly probation. 

    Depending on the specific circumstances of your case, an attorney may be able to argue that you were provoked or defending yourself or others, or that you were merely exercising your right to free speech. Learn more

    Early termination of probation in Texas is a complex process that typically requires the help of an experienced attorney to file a motion and present compelling reasons to the court. 

    The judge will consider factors such as the original offense, the individual’s behavior on probation, and the likelihood of reoffending. Successful motions can result in reduced probation terms, allowing individuals to move forward with their lives. Learn more

    Elderly abuse in Texas involves the physical or emotional deprivation or financial exploitation of senior citizens, whether inside or outside of a nursing home. Given the rise in elder abuse cases, prosecutors have intensified efforts to punish these crimes. 

    Possible penalties include jail or prison time, monetary fines, loss of employment or professional licenses, restitution, and probation. 

    Potential defenses against senior citizen abuse charges include eyewitness misidentification and arguing that there was a lack of intent or that injuries were accidental. Learn more

    Evading arrest in Texas involves fleeing from a law enforcement official who is legally attempting to arrest or detain a person. This crime can be committed on foot, by vehicle, or through other means, such as using forged documents to avoid travel restrictions. 

    Penalties for evading arrest vary based on the circumstances and can range from a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and fines up to $2,000, to more severe felonies if a vehicle was used or if someone was injured or killed during the attempt to evade. 

    A lawyer might be able to help defend against evading arrest charges by arguing that the defendant was unaware of the arrest attempt or did not believe the officer was law enforcement, potentially leading to reduced sentences or dismissal of charges. Learn more

    An arrest on your criminal record can lead to being denied job opportunities, home mortgages, and government benefits, even if the arrest was never prosecuted or resulted in a less serious charge. Under certain conditions, the state of Texas allows for the expungement of an arrest, effectively removing it from your record as if it never happened. 

    An experienced attorney can help you navigate the complex legal process of expunging your criminal record, ensuring you can move forward without the social burdens imposed by past arrests. Learn more

    Failing to appear in court after being released on bail can result in serious consequences under Texas law, including the issuance of a bench warrant, Class A misdemeanor charges with up to 1 year in jail, and fines up to $4,000. It can also result in additional felony charges if the original offense was a felony. 

    Besides criminal penalties, defendants may forfeit their bail money, face driver’s license suspension, have probation terms modified, and possibly face civil lawsuits from the party who put up the initial bail money. 

    Depending on the specifics of your case, an attorney may be able to effectively argue that circumstances like hospitalization, serious injury, or military service prevented you from appearing before the court or that you were legitimately unaware that you were required to appear. Learn more

    In Texas, harassment charges involve intentionally annoying, alarming, embarrassing, or tormenting another person through written, telephone, or electronic communication. A harassment conviction is classified as a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $2,000, with harsher penalties for repeat offenses. 

    A prompt and effective legal defense based on available evidence is often the best way to achieve a reduction in charges or outright dismissal of a harassment case. Learn more

    Stalking charges are often linked to personal disputes, such as divorces or breakups, and can result in serious consequences. Under Texas law, repeated actions that make a victim reasonably believe they’re at risk of bodily injury, death, or property damage can result in stalking convictions. 

    A first offense is classified as a third-degree felony, punishable by 2 to 10 years in prison and fines up to $10,000, while a second offense is a second-degree felony, punishable by 2 to 20 years in prison with similar fines. 

    An experienced stalking defense lawyer can help by identifying and challenging the weakest elements of the prosecution’s case to achieve a reduction in charges or case dismissal. Learn more

    A hate crime in Texas involves a threat or act of violence, harassment, or other misconduct against a person or property due to the victim’s race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

    These crimes are motivated by bias or prejudice, and their penalties are elevated beyond those of the underlying offenses, such as assault, arson, or criminal trespassing. If convicted, the punishment for a hate crime can range from increased jail time to elevated misdemeanor or felony charges. 

    With the help of a skilled criminal defense attorney, potential defenses against a hate crime charge might include mistaken identity, insufficient evidence, self-defense, and discrediting the prosecution’s claim of bias. Learn more

    Juvenile crimes in Texas can include both “status offenses,” which are only legal because of the offender’s age, such as truancy and possession of alcohol, and criminal offenses that apply to everyone. 

    Penalties may include fines, community service, probation, or even detention, but beyond that, these convictions can have lasting repercussions, sometimes remaining on a juvenile’s record into adulthood. 

    If your child is facing charges, an experienced juvenile crimes attorney can help mitigate the impact by negotiating for behavioral therapy, ensuring the case remains in juvenile court, and protecting your child’s legal rights throughout the process. Learn more

    Unlike expungement, an order of nondisclosure does not erase a criminal record but restricts access to it, generally hiding it from public view and most private entities while remaining visible to government agencies and for certain legal proceedings. 

    Typically available for individuals who have completed deferred adjudication or probation for eligible offenses, nondisclosure can be obtained automatically for some low-level misdemeanors or by petition for other offenses. 

    An attorney can help navigate the complex eligibility requirements and legal process to secure a nondisclosure order, ensuring your record is protected from public scrutiny. Learn more

    Facing a parole hearing for potential release or due to parole violations is a critical moment that can significantly impact an offender’s future. 

    An experienced parole issues attorney can assist by preparing a compelling case for the parole board, addressing factors such as criminal history, rehabilitation efforts, and behavior during incarceration to improve the chances of parole being granted. 

    Additionally, if accused of violating parole conditions, a lawyer can help defend against allegations and prevent re-incarceration. Learn more

    Under Texas law, perjury occurs when someone intentionally makes a false statement under oath with the intent to deceive. This crime can be elevated to aggravated perjury if the false statement is paramount to the outcome of a case. 

    Penalties for perjury can include up to 1 year in jail and a fine of $4,000 for a Class A misdemeanor, or between 2 and 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000 for a third-degree felony. 

    Some defenses could include retraction of the false statement before it becomes evident and mitigating factors like following the advice of an attorney. Learn more

    Probation violations in Texas are treated harshly and can result in the reinstatement of the original sentence or new charges if another crime is committed. 

    Typical violations include failing to perform community service, missing meetings with a probation officer, testing positive for drugs, or refusing court-ordered classes. 

    Defending against these allegations is complex, but a lawyer may argue that compliance was impossible due to issues like hospitalization, misunderstanding the terms of probation, financial hardship, or temporary displacement from natural disasters. Learn more

    Violating a protective order in Texas, often issued in domestic violence cases to prevent harassment or contact with a victim, is a serious offense that can result in jail time, fines, probation, mandatory counseling, and loss of firearm rights. Common violations include stalking, unauthorized contact, and cyberstalking. 

    Some potential defenses against these charges could include proving that the accused was misidentified and had an alibi or that the encounter was accidental. Learn more

    Terroristic threats in Texas encompass a range of offenses, from causing emergency reactions to placing someone in fear of imminent harm, and can result in either misdemeanor or felony charges. 

    Punishments vary widely, including prison sentences ranging from 6 months to 20 years, fines up to $10,000, community service, restitution, and probation. 

    Defending against these charges requires swift action and experienced legal representation to negotiate with prosecutors, potentially reducing charges or eliminating counts. Learn more